Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tribute to One of My Best Friends

Some of my best memories are of time spent on the shores of the Missouri River. While in high school my family had a Siberian husky named Taskan. This dog was the best fishing mate. In the middle of nowhere at night it would be Taskan, my fishing pole, and coyotes for hours. I would have been scared if it wasn't for that dog. She would sit alert, silent, and content for hours while i fished from shore. There were several times Taskan decided to get into the water and grab the fish and carry it out. Even ugly catfish were no match for her. She only got a hook in her mouth one time and let me pull it out. At the end of the night Taskan and I would retire to the tent and sleep.I remember we were both scared when a tornado warning was issued in our area. Not only were we 100 feet from the shore of lake Oahe, but the dirt road out was soaked and not a plausible idea. We sat up for several hours scared with lightning crashing all around us. The wind howled, and the rain pelted the truck with great force. The shale bank of the river was solid but water logged. We didn't get much sleep that night, but the memory is worth the stress. Dogs are special, they are truly mans best friend. I wish i could go back to those days, fishing on the shore of the muddy mo. Just Taskan and I. I miss her

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